COMP.EU.TER is a project co-funded by the European Commission, led by the University of Turin and carried out in collaboration with the Universities of Genoa and Milan (as Beneficiaries) as well as by the Universities of Antwerp, Ferrara, KIMEP, Rotterdam, Warsaw and Zaragoza (as Associated Partners).
COMP.EU.TER offers a combined, progressive and multilateral training programme targeted at EU national judges focused on the specific functions and powers of national courts in tackling new forms of competitive concerns arising from (and peculiar to) the so-called big data revolution.
COMP.EU.TER comprises the following actions:
- 6 seminars mainly targeted at Italian judges intended to offer them an in-depth knowledge of the most important issues arising from the need to adapt EU competition rules to the digital environment and new technologies (e.g. algorithms) and phenomena (e.g. data accumulation;
- the organization of lectures mainly targeted at an audience of Italian apprentice judges (i.e., law graduates attending the relevant apprenticeship school) aimed at providing them a general introduction to EU competition law and a concise overview of problems raised by the application of EU competition law rules to digital markets;
- the development of an online platform dedicated to the Project and hosting learning materials;
- a one-day international final conference with high-profile international speakers, addressed mainly to an audience of national judges from several Member States on the topic of “Public and Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law in the Age of Big Data”.